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EGYPTAIR Special Offers from Egypt

Discover EGYPTAIR best fare deals on selected routes. EGYPTAIR special prices give you the chance to enjoy flying EGYPTAIR in your leisure, shopping or business trips.
The special fares below are regularly updated and are only a selection of what's on offer. If you can't find a suitable deal start a search now to find the best fare for your preferred itinerary.
Below are the available offers for your country :

Fly to
EGP 2464

Fly to
Abu Dhabi
EGP 1847 

Fly to
EGP 5042 

Fly to
Addis Ababa
EGP 2585 

Fly to
EGP 2328

Fly to
EGP 2121

Fly to
EGP 2823

Fly to
EGP 2672
See More 

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